
International Car Shipping Port of Newark NJ USA

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Why Choose Us For Shipping Your Car

We always ship your vehicle with confidence. We are an auto transport broker specializing in the shipment of passenger vehicles from all points within the world. We can help you with moves of other types, but we are experts in cars, trucks and bikes. When you choose a reputable and experienced company like Us, you will be rest assured knowing your vehicle will be in the hands of professionals. It will get from point A to point B safely and on time.

While we have grown into corporate relocations for Fortune 500 companies, we still move many vehicles for people in the sports and entertainment fields. Again, we’re not bragging. We just want you to know that when you do business with us, you get first-class treatment regardless of who you are or what you drive.

Multiple Loading Locations in USA

What Our Customers Say

Florance Carter

I have shipped my car before with another company and this was the easiest and quickest. Dispatch gave me updates the entire time. Loved the communication. Thanks again guys, i will use you again when its time to head out west again.

Florance Carter

Michel Parker

Had a great experience. Driver was fantastic, kept us updated all through the transport. Car came in perfect condition. Very happy with the service.

Michel Parker

Andrew Carter

Very pleased all around everyone was good on communications from rep and driverDriver called multiple time to keep me posted on whereabouts Kim was amazing with great info and was very good to work

Andrew Carter