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Right Weather Helps You In Shipping

Summer is coming to an end and the auto shipping industry is starting to slow down. In the summer months, more people are using auto shipping services to move their vehicles. This high demand results in higher rates.

Most people aren’t trying to move in the winter, especially from northern states that get their fair share of snow. The auto industry takes a hit from low demands. Major routes, especially across the northern portion of the country, slow down during the wintertime, and rural routes practically shut down. Many smaller companies will stop conducting business if weather gets too bad, leaving fewer options for auto shipping. Most hauling companies only have a couple trucks to use, so For those who do decide to move in the winter, selections run few.

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However, auto shipping rates are $200 to $300 less on average in the winter. Companies are much less busy. Instead of customers fighting for truck space, vehicle hauling companies are fighting for customers, which means that the customers often have a lot of say in how much they are willing to spend on an auto shipment.

Winter shipments are easier to schedule, because its unlikely that there will be a waiting list to access a hauler. However, these shipments tend to take longer. Not only are trucks hoping to fill their cargo space, but they are also trying to avoid any inclement winter weather.

Shipping in the winter is risky, because black ice and heavy snowfall can affect a shipment operator’s ability to drive as safely as possible. Companies have lost entire shipments due to harsh conditions, which is why it’s important to talk with your transportation service about minimizing risk. Auto haulers are required to hold specific certifications that ensure their credibility and reliability.